St Peters NS Snugboro

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Health and Safety Policy 2022

General Information

Click here to view signed policy

Board of Management Safety Policy, St. Peter’s N.S., Snugboro
(1) The aim of the Board of Management is to provide a healthy and safe working environment. It
recognises its obligations as an employer to manage and achieve as reasonably as it can the
Safety, Health and Welfare of every pupil, teacher, employee and person who enters the
school and its grounds as laid down in the Health, Safety & Welfare at Work Act 2005.
The Board of Management believes that each employee and pupil has a moral responsibility for
maintaining Safety and Health and to behave in a manner which does not jeopardise his or her
safety and that of others.
This policy should be read in conjunction with other school policies especially our Code of Behaviour,
Anti-Bullying Policy, A.U.P., Supervision policy and Attendance Strategy Policy. The school reserves
the right to amend this policy from time to time entirely at its discretion.The school’s Safety
Statement is displayed in a prominent position in the front foyer of the school.
(2) School Accommodation
The school comprises of twelve classrooms of which nine have an integral wet area and toilet
facilities. The wet areas are floored with marmoleum. There is a sport’s hall with adjoining kitchen
area with hatch, two S.E.T. rooms, staffroom- cum kitchen, principal’s office and administration
area, & storeroom, communications room, caretaker utility, a lift, stairs, two staff/disabled toilets
and three additional toilets adjacent to the sports hall.
Adjacent to the school is a pre-fab unit comprising of a classroom, two small S.E.T. classrooms and
toilets. Three other prefabs are used as 2 S.E.T. rooms, storage space and room 16 in the school
has been identified as a proposed sensory space. Nine of the classrooms and the Sports Hall have
a fire exit to the exterior and mat –wells are situated inside the front and back doors. There is a fire
extinguisher in each room and a fire blanket and extinguisher in the kitchen.
The poly-tunnel in the garden operates as an outdoor classroom also.Gardening tools are used
under the supervision of class teacher/S.N.A. and gardener. These tools are stored in the inner
courtyard beside classroom 8.
(3) Co-operation of Staff
Each member of staff is responsible for safety in their own areas. Children are supervised at all
times between 9.10 a.m. and 2.50 p.m. with play-time supervision managed on a rota basis. This
supervision is provided by the teaching staff, S.N.A.s. and other adults deemed by the Board of
Management to be responsible adults.(See Supervision Policy).Parents/ Legal guardians requesting
to collect their children for appointments at break times must furnish written permission, preferably

by note in homework notebook, to the class teacher and teacher/secretary /principal will record this
in the Sign in/Sign out book at the hatch in the foyer . Refer also to Attendance strategy.
Staff is advised to see that all the children have left the class room after school and the last member
to vacate the school should check that no child remains inside before locking up.
Responsibilities of Employees:
The following duties of employees are from section 9 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act
1. To take reasonable care for themselves and for others.
2. To co-operate with the employer in relation to statutory provisions.
3. To use provided protective clothing and equipment.
4. To report defects which might endanger safety, health or welfare.
5. Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided to secure the safety, health or welfare of
persons arising out of work activities.
6. Not to engage in improper conduct or behaviour which would be likely to endanger his/her
own health, safety and welfare at work or that of any other person.
7. To attend/view training seminars relevant to the implementation of this policy which may be
organised by the Board of Management.
Ref: See also Substance Use Policy, Code of Behaviour/Behaviour Management Policy
(4) Hazards/potential hazards
The following hazards (as many as can be identified) are considered to be a source of potential
danger:-this list is not exhaustive.
1. Main fuse box (in porch area opposite classroom 9 – Comms. Room and Boiler house: (no
combustible waste or oily rags to be left there)
2. Maintenance room (all cleaning agents and toxic fluids to be kept above children’s reach.)
3. Electrical equipment: Interactive Whiteboards, Photocopiers, printers, shredders,
Computers/laptops, Guillotine, Projectors, laminators, Electric kettles & Burcos,
binders, Calibri book coverer, electric heaters, C.D players, fridge-freezers, washing
machine, dryer , dishwasher, Christmas tree lights.
(Each member of staff should check for loose wires and plug tops when using equipment)

4. Sockets & Trailing leads
5. Kitchens
6. Oil tank
7a.Steel hand-rail at the step area between: 1. pre-fab unit and the hall, prefab entrance
and at 3.prefab emergency exit.
7b. Steps between prefab and hall, entrance and emergency exit steps of prefab (these have
been painted to high-light the change in gradient)
8. The school grounds have been fenced with post and net fencing providing a safe barrier
from drains surrounding the grounds.
9. Playground, new pitch & track, goalposts, basketball hoops, climbing wall on hall, wider
footpaths at the back of the school and tarmac courts have been provided as extra play areas.
New playground has a fence surrounding it and is annually inspected.
10. Staff Car Park has been provided at the rear of the school. Old staff carpark at the front of
the school is being used as a set-down area as part of a Traffic Management Plan at arrival and
dispersal times. The gates in this area are closed at 9.20 that this area can be used as a
play space on wet days for designated classes. Footpaths and new turnstiles in the set-down
area provide a safe walk-through area for pupils and parents.
11. A footpath alongside the outer boundary walls, which has Entrance & Exit points, a
designated “Bus Area” and Disabled Parking area (outside the main front-gate) provide a safer
collection and drop-off area to those children travelling by vehicles, as well as pupils walking
some or all of the way to school.

12. School gates remain locked, therefore no vehicle enters the premises, and access is by turn-
stile type gates only. Cyclists dismount at the entrance gate and bicycles are walked to the

bicycle shelter. (6th class pupils participate in a 3 week safe-cycling module on the basket- ball
court supervised by class teacher and Mayo County Council coach).Occasionally, vehicular
access to the P.E. Hall is necessary for visitors such as I.T. upgrade, drama groups, Book Fair
Van etc. and children are not allowed to access that area at that time.
13.2 x Bicycle shelters provided for the safe and correct storage of bicycles.
14.The inner court yards (quadrangles) are not accessible during free play as they are much too
restrictive to allow safe play.
15.In the event of frost/slippery surfaces a frost prevention product will be applied to the area
from the school gate to the doorway.

16. Darkness: ....outside lights were erected and fitted, making approach to the school safe at
night for meetings etc. Street lights have been installed in the new staff car-park.
17. Boundary fence/Trees. (Children are prohibited from walking on walls and climbing trees.)
Blackthorn & Whitethorn bushes are trimmed as required.
18. Manholes and guttering are checked termly.
19. General purpose room (particularly stage area and P.E. equipment - this is to be securely
stacked and positioned so as not to cause a hazard.)
20. Tippex: Banned for use by pupils and securely stored by staff when not in use.
21. Medicines are kept in a secure place in the classroom and to be clearly and individually
labelled as per administration of medicine policy.
22. A risk analysis checklist is posted on the staffroom noticeboard for reporting of hazards.

(5) Safe Systems at Work:
In order to minimise dangers to pupils and staff the following measures are adhered to:-
a) Children will move from class to hall and around the school etc. in single file maintaining a
safe distance from each other.

b) Children wear suitable clothing and footwear for Physical Education and games.

c) No child is to run through any part of the school. Children to access their own classroom
through designated external doors only or as the case may be to use entrance/exit doors to
access S.E.T. rooms.

d) No child is to stand on any school furniture except on a stage.

e) No child is to jump on P.E. equipment during break times or before or after classes.

f) No child is to handle any electrical appliance unless under the direction and supervision of a
staff member.
g) Children will only access the internet under a teacher’s supervision. Children are forbidden
to access the internet during break times.

Electrical Appliances: Arrangements are made for all electrical equipment to be checked each
term by a competent person.
(6) Health & Safety:
Staff and pupils alike must co-operate in maintaining a high standard of hygiene. To ensure a
healthy environment certain procedures are in place.
The part-time cleaner/maintenance officer fulfils a lengthy list of duties including the regular
cleaning and ventilating of the school.
1. Paper towels and hand soap are in good supply.

2. Toilets are ventilated daily and toilet paper is always in good supply.

3. Bins are always lined with heavy duty refuse sacks and are emptied weekly/as necessary.
All recyclable materials and rubbish is collected weekly by a local collection team.

4. Children are encouraged to eat healthy nutritious lunches (sweets, crisps, chocolate not
5. All un-eaten food is taken home to avoid attracting pests and un-wanted smells.
6. Staff bring their own supplies e.g. tea, coffee and sugar and are responsible for bringing the
empty containers home.

7. Children are encouraged to come to school neatly dressed in school uniform/tracksuit.

8. Children are encouraged to clean their shoes to avoid dragging mud and dirt into the
9. The school has installed sanitisers at each school entrance and at each door of each room
and regular handwashing and sanitising by staff and pupils occurs throughout the day .
(7) Fire Protection:
a) Fire extinguishers are provided and correctly sited to meet statutory and insurance

b) All fire-fighting equipment is regularly tested and serviced by specialised contractors. In
accordance with the recommendation of the appropriate Irish Standard for fire equipment

20% of extinguishers will be discharged each year and relevant employees trained in the
safe use of the equipment.

c) Ten of the twelve classrooms and the general purpose room have a fire exit door leading to
the exterior. In the general purpose room and the main entrance there are exit signs over
the doors and emergency lights which come on in the event of a power cut.

d) There is a Fire-Alarm system in place which comprises of a unit box in the main foyer, in the
prefab foyer and the singular S.E.T. room with sensors in each room and corridor.
Several Break Glass units are situated throughout the school and in the prefab.

e) The school is equipped with a “Fire and General Register”.
(8) Evacuation:
An evacuation plan and fire drill procedure is in place and is practised at least once per term. Each
member of the staff and each child is familiar with the evacuation procedure. A Fire drill assembly
point has been allocated to each class. On reaching their point the children stand in a straight line
and the teacher calls the roll. During evacuation/fire drill the teacher is the last to leave the
(9) First Aid:
Each classroom has its own First Aid kit. There is a comprehensive first aid box available in the
staffroom and it is adequately stocked with:
• A card with general first aid guidance
• A supply of individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings.
• Sterile eye pads with attachments.
• Triangular bandages.
• Safety pins.
• Disposable gloves. Crepe and roller (bandages) Cotton wool.
• Tweezers and scissors
Defibrillator located beside front exit doors near the bike shelter. Parents’ Association responsible
for its service.
(10) Administration of Medicine:
There are additional procedures in place regarding Nut Allergies and Asthma Inhalers.

1. Nut Allergies:
An emergency procedure is in place for implementation in the event of an anaphylactic
reaction. The healthy eating policy requests that the whole school community co-operates
in making school safe for those children thereby not having any nut based food on the school
premises. (See Administration of Medicine policy)
2. Asthma:
There is an administration procedure in place for asthma suffers. Parent(s)/Legal
Guardian(s) are requested to sign an indemnity form. Each child’s asthma inhaler is retained
in their class room in a locked box, clearly labelled with the child’s name and details/records
of respective dosage to be administered/administered.(see Administration of Medicine
3.Diabetes: There is an administration procedure in place for children with diabetes.
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) are requested to sign an indemnity form. The pupil’s insulin and
readings are recorded via a monitor which is shared between home and school on a daily
A record book will be maintained by the S.N.A. + class teacher each day and stored in a
locked drawer overnight. The insulin is stored in a medicine bag in the locked First Aid Box in
the classroom, and parents are requested to supply the school with an insulin pen that will be
retained in the school. Sharps are stored in a yellow container on a high shelf out of children’s
reach and is when full is disposed of by the parents.
(11) Accidents and Emergencies:
All incidents no matter how trivial and whether to pupils, employees or members of the public are
to be reported to the Principal. This is necessary to ensure safety standards are maintained and
that proper medical attention is given. Should a child or other person need urgent medical attention
besides that which can be provided all efforts are to be made to contact parents /next of kin, or to
get the patient to a doctor or hospital.
Staff is advised not to administer any oral medication to any child unless a prior indemnity form is
signed. Each teacher has a list of the children in their class containing (where possible) telephone
numbers of where to reach parents or guardians.
An Accident Report Book is retained in the staffroom for recording serious accidents.
(12) Welfare:
Members of staff, trainee teachers, pupils, all personnel and visitors to the school are reminded:

A. They are not allowed to attend the school premises or carry out duties while under the
influence of illicit drugs/alcohol or any behaviour altering substances.( Refer to Substance
Use Policy)
B. Smoking is prohibited in Primary and Secondary Schools including the School Yard.
(13) Safety Training:
Staff is :
a) Informed on how to handle fire equipment.
b) Advised to familiarise themselves with hazards associated with materials such as chemicals,
copier toner, solvents, detergents etc. and with the precautions to be taken in the event of
splashes, spillages etc.

c) Advised to make sure all corridors and fire-exits in their areas are kept free from obstruction
at all times.

d) Advised to take care that fire-fighting equipment is not covered or blocked in any way.
e) Advised to avail of training to protect pupils online.
f) Advised to notify the Principal/Safety Officer of any new hazards in the school or in the
school grounds.
g) Informed to undertake mandatory training e.g. Return to Work Safely Protocol, Covid 19
Induction training etc.
(14) Safety Officer:
The Assistant Principal and Mrs. Emer Dunne shall be responsible for overseeing the safety
provisions on behalf of the school. They have a right:-
a) To guide and advise on all health, safety and welfare matters.
b) To observe that the school fulfils all statutory requirements in respect of the Factories Act
1955, Safety in Industry Act 1980 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
c) To ensure safety training and safety education is carried out.
d) To regularly review hazards and revise school safety procedures and methods of operation.
e) To ensure fire prevention and protection methods are provided.
f) To ensure that a fire drill is conducted every term.

The Safety officers shall as far as practical determine causes of accidents and advise remedial action
where appropriate. They will liaise with the safety representative on the Board of Management.

A comprehensive audit was conducted in 2008, 2012,2017 the next of which is scheduled for 2020
by an external health & safety officer. The next audit will take place in 2024.

This Safety Policy was originally drawn up in 1995 and has been reviewed in consultation with the
relevant partners based on the conditions and modifications made to the school. It is reviewed on
an annual basis. It will be henceforth renewed annually so as to comply with any changes in
conditions or regulations. It has been prepared in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare
at Work Act 2005.
Signed: Date: 23/11/2023
Chairperson, Board of Management
Signed: Date: 23/11/2023
Principal & Secretary of the Board of Management

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